Tips, Tricks & Applying Strips

Tips, Tricks & Applying Strips

Perfecting Your Nasal Strip Application

If you've ever found yourself wondering if you're maximising the benefits of your nasal strips, you're in good company. Delve into the nuances of nasal strip application with us, armed with feedback from real users and a dash of expert insight.

The Science Behind the Stickiness

A nasal strip's magic lies in its dual-action: enhancing airflow and promoting more profound, restful sleep. But, as with any tool, its effectiveness can hinge on its application. Sarah Moran, a satisfied user, shares her experience, "My sleep has improved since wearing these at night. They're fairly easy to put on, but it's essential to ensure your nose is really clean and dry. I did have a few sticking issues but overall, really happy."

Expert Tips for the Ultimate Nasal Strip Fit

  1. Warm It Up: Give the strip a gentle rub between your hands. This tiny act can elevate its stickiness for a more robust hold.

  2. Skin Prep: Before application, ensure your nose is both clean and dry, as Sarah pointed out. A brief cleanse and pat dry can work wonders.

  3. Sizing Matters: Just as Sarah found the medium size a tad big, it's vital to find your perfect fit. Too large or too small can impact its effectiveness.

  4. Post-Application Magic: Once it's on, give the edges a gentle but firm rub. This small act helps ensure the strip stays put all night.

  5. Skincare Routine: Love your nighttime skincare routine? Keep it going, but perhaps leave the nose area moisturiser-free for optimal strip adhesion.

Tailored Hacks for Diverse Needs

  • Athletic Aspirations: Athletes might benefit from nasal strips during workouts, potentially boosting endurance.

  • Allergies in Action: Feeling the sneeze season? Nasal strips can ease those congested days.

  • Travel Tales: Always carry a few strips in your travel pouch. They're excellent for alleviating the stuffiness that can accompany flights.

With the right tips in your toolkit, nasal strips can truly elevate your sleep game. Ready to explore? Dive into our product range for your best fit.

Dive into our tailored collection of nasal strips. Shop Now.